360 Degree Feedback
What is 360 degree feedback?
A system-driven process by which we receive information from others about the way we perform in our roles
Why use it?
- To obtain structured & targeted feedback from colleagues
- To highlight development opportunities
- To aid career development
- To expose any underlying problems in a constructive way
- To facilitate development planning in the context of business objectives
- To create a more open culture
- To improve the way in which employees give and receive feedback
- To improve team and individual development
What does it look like?
The questionnaire is based on competency frameworks, (separate frameworks are usually developed for Management and Staff).
There is a range of questions based on the competencies, which are then analysed.
You will receive personal, confidential feedback from a trained facilitator that will enable you
to produce a development plan.
What does 360 degree feedback link into?
- Culture (eg Truth, Trust and Teamwork)
- Living the brand/customer service
- Competency framework
- Self-managed careers
- Coaching
- Training needs analysis
What do I do?
- Speak to your HR contact/line manager about completing 360 feedback.
- Choose appropriate assessors whose feedback you will value
- Contact assessors, asking for them to complete a feedback questionnaire
- Give assessors pack with instruction
- Complete questionnaire
- Book a meeting with a facilitator when all questionnaires have been completed
- Meet with facilitator, review the results and produce a draft Personal Development Plan (PDR)
- Meet with line manager to discuss your PDR (you do not have to disclose the results of the
feedback if you prefer not to)
- The plan, when agreed, can be shared with others
- Development Plan is implemented and progress begins.
How is the information gathered to be used?
Only the individual requesting feedback on themselves will have access to the information.
No line managers will have access to their direct report's data unless that person chooses
to disclose their results to others.
First time 360 feedback results will only be available in conjunction with a trained facilitator.
What 360 Feedback is NOT:
- A substitute for PA discussions
- A basis for pay discussions
- A stand-alone performance management
- A de-selection tool
- An answer to everything!!
browser implementation
For more information, contact: Managers-Net.