
Network Analysis

A group of techniques for presenting information to assist the planning and controlling of projects. The information, usually represented by a network, includes the sequence and logical inter-relationships of all project activities. The group includes techniques for dealing with time, with resources and with costs.


Network Analysis is a generic name which is becoming accepted as a standard term for a number of specialised techniques in the field of planning and control, principally critical-path scheduling, PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique), RAMPS (Resource Allocation in Multi-Project Scheduling) and CPM (Critical Path Method). The basic technique of critical-path scheduling has been known since the Second World War.

There are four stages of work involved in network analysis:


One of the most common application of networks is to large civil engineering projects - the construction of a hospital, a large block of apartment buildings or a motorway. These are one-off jobs to which conventional production planning methods are not suited as in the case of repetitive production work.

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